Finally The LAST…

In week 13, FINALLY came the last blog post… I thought the A special experience for blog is my last blog post for psychology assignment. So i said maybe look at the mood to update blog post that not about psychology in last week. But everything is just “i thought”… Because my lecturer have given us an “extra post”. With regard to cognitive dissonance theory. To be honest, I was very upset when I first heard about it, because it feels like a lot more homework. The lecturer asked us to give the hard copy to the tutor on this Thursday, but I have to submit an assignment on this Friday. It doesn’t seem to be a conflict, but I feel annoyed and stressed out. Is the busiest time is once I have submitted three assignment not include the blog post in one week. The deadline of the three assignment respectively is Friday, Tuesday and Wednesday, then the blog post must submit in every Saturday. It was a week that i felt super very stress…I even want to give up but I didn’t because I feel give up is a wrong choose. I feel like I have to finish even if I don’t feel like doing it in my heart. Finally I finished all the assignment and blog post. Fortunately, I didn’t give up.

Anyway, it is total 11 blog post in my blog. First, I think I can get 8 marks in this assignment. This is because I have a blog post that didn’t write, that is a post about sound. Besides, I think I didn’t write well so have to deduct two marks. I can only say that I tried my best, the others see how the teacher gave the points. I can only say that I tried my best, the others see how the teacher gave the points. I will respect the marks that gave from teacher. After all, thank you for my teacher and classmate let me learn a lot.

See you and thank you guys.

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