Finally The LAST…

In week 13, FINALLY came the last blog post… I thought the A special experience for blog is my last blog post for psychology assignment. So i said maybe look at the mood to update blog post that not about psychology in last week. But everything is just “i thought”… Because my lecturer have given us an “extra post”. With regard to cognitive dissonance theory. To be honest, I was very upset when I first heard about it, because it feels like a lot more homework. The lecturer asked us to give the hard copy to the tutor on this Thursday, but I have to submit an assignment on this Friday. It doesn’t seem to be a conflict, but I feel annoyed and stressed out. Is the busiest time is once I have submitted three assignment not include the blog post in one week. The deadline of the three assignment respectively is Friday, Tuesday and Wednesday, then the blog post must submit in every Saturday. It was a week that i felt super very stress…I even want to give up but I didn’t because I feel give up is a wrong choose. I feel like I have to finish even if I don’t feel like doing it in my heart. Finally I finished all the assignment and blog post. Fortunately, I didn’t give up.

Anyway, it is total 11 blog post in my blog. First, I think I can get 8 marks in this assignment. This is because I have a blog post that didn’t write, that is a post about sound. Besides, I think I didn’t write well so have to deduct two marks. I can only say that I tried my best, the others see how the teacher gave the points. I can only say that I tried my best, the others see how the teacher gave the points. I will respect the marks that gave from teacher. After all, thank you for my teacher and classmate let me learn a lot.

See you and thank you guys.

A special experience for blog

I think that’s probably the last one, or maybe not, I think look at the mood. Even though blog post for 12 weeks makes me feel tired, but it does help to reduce stress. You don’t know who’s reading your blog post, you just need to write your own feelings and it won’t embarrass you. Many big and small things in life can be written into blogs. This also can help you to improve your English level and emotion. In this blog world, you can write freely and let off steam. It’s the best place to feel.

In so many blog posts, what I like most is still “Special Memory Of Life”. This is because it was the hardest time of my life. It made me realize the hardships of life and the hard work of parents. These experiences have helped me grow a lot. It is difficult for a people to feed himself, let alone to feed a family? It also made me understand that the family is the one who should be protected all his life. We must cherish our family, because only our family can truly care for us.

In fact, before this assignment, this is my first time to engage a blog. Remember to blog for the first time, I don’t even know how to publish a blog post, even don’t know how to change the background and site title. Then in the blog review, the students commented that my blog was so blank. HAHAHAHA… Then I only know how to manage the blog through my friend and after my research. I ability know it’s very simple! Finally, I think this assignment is a new attempt for me, a very special experience.


A Contradiction Personality

The teacher taught about personality this week. Different people have different personality, it can be affected by everyone’s behaviors, attitudes, memories, habits and social relationships.

Teacher asked us to write about the blog post of the personality. It’s a little difficult for me. First of all, I don’t think I know myself well enough. Ermmm… I think I’m introverted, honest and direct personality. It seems paradoxical that I am such a contradiction, so I say I don’t know myself well. I think I’m introverted because I’m not an active friend. I’m not active to make friends and also seldom talk to strangers. It can also be said that I am lazy to maintain a relationship. I like friends who have no interests at all. Once I get into the interest relationship, I was feel tired and I will not want to continue this friendship about interest. I like pure friendship, because it makes me feel comfortable.

Then I think I have a honest personality, this is because I don’t like to lie to my conscience. I think lying is a painful thing, because it has to fill the lie with countless lies. When someone asks me a question, I always say it directly. The problem of contradiction comes again. When someone does something that hurts me and I can’t forgive him, I won’t quarrel with him and won’t talk to him. I will quietly stay away from him. I’m not direct at this time.

This is my contradictory personality. In my opinion, such a contradictory personality, I only hope it won’t hurt others. Then who would explain my ambivalent personality to improve?

Emotional Experience

Recently something has happened that has made me happy. That is the birth of a new member of my family. That is my cousin’s son, also my nephew. Then the wechat group of my family has been talking about the baby everyday. How many milliliters of milk should a new born baby be fed? What about baby vomiting milk? How to help the new born baby shower? A lot of problems are in the wechat family group, it is very busy but happy… However, new born baby must always be careful to take care. This is very important. It makes people very happy to watch the children grow day by day. But the hardest part was mom and dad, because the new born baby must feed in every 2 hour. As long as the baby cries, no matter what time father and mother must get up to nurse. A newborn baby’s illness can make parents nervous, because small illness can become serious and even fatal to newborn babies.

There is an old saying in China, ‘Raise hundred years old, long anxiety ninety nine’. It’s the same for parents all over the world, but it reminds me of my parents. I am very grateful to my parents for bringing my sister and me up. But my father died when I was 14 years old and I can’t do anything for him. I was very sad at that time. Now I just want to treat my mother well. I have grown up already, I should protect my mom. I think my parents do more for me than I do for them. After all, I feel very happy to do anything for my mom even if it’s just simply to cook a meal for my mom.

Image result for newborn baby


Past Goal

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a describe the needs that can motivate human behaviour. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs can be represented by a pyramid. From the bottom to top of the pyramid, the sequence is physiological needs, safety needs, love and belongingness needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs. The bottom of the pyramid is physiological needs of human like air, food, water, rest and other basic needs. Love and belongingness needs is including friendship, love, intimacy and others. Esteem needs are that the human hope and need to be respected by other people. Self-actualization needs realize full potential of individual when you are realize yourself. Physiological needs is very important in maslow’s hierarchy of needs, this is because people have to meet basic needs before they have other needs. If the basic needs are not met, how the people to achieve the higher level of needs?

maslow's hierarchy of needs five stage pyramide


In my secondary school life, I once met a very strict math teacher. The teacher was very strict but there was no way to deny that the teacher is very knowledgeable. I didn’t do well in maths at that time. I’m very  remember one time when the teacher gave the exercises, we all copied the answers from our classmates. But I don’t know why my answer is wrong, maybe I copied the wrong answer. Teacher knew my answer are copied from other student and told me very severely to correct it and submit it in one day. Not only that, she forbid me to copy the answer and she were ask me how to solve the exercise in class. I was very scared because I really don’t know how to solve it… I went home crying and was seen by my sister. My sister asked me the reason and taught me patiently. It was only then that I discovered that mathematic was not difficult, it’s just that I did not have the perseverance to learn. I decided to study hard in the future. I hope i can get A for mathematic in SPM. I listen to the teacher serious in class and finish the exercises given by the teacher every day. Finally, my math actually gets A in the SPM. I think a lot of things can be done as long as you stick to it.


Fish begins to stink at the head

Blog post for this week is about nature or nurture that which are more dominant in determining who you are.

I think the nurture education or enviroment is very important to most people. Human is a very easy to be affected by environment, our mood and behavior will change with the surrounding environment. A crooked stick will have a crooked shadow. I think most people psychological distortions are because is affected by the environment. Not everyone can live in the silt but not imbrued. There is no denying the fact we did inherited genes from parents. For example, maybe someone have inherited a high IQ and that person perennial accept bad ideological education. If not timely corrected, there is a lot of possibilities become a crooked person with wicked mind. Maybe he(or she) will use her intelligence to do a lot of bad things like crime. Parents is a role model for children. What parents do, your child will follow to learn. So parents found their children some bad behavior such as lying, must have to be correct in a timely manner and also must give the children a correct concept of morality. After all, a healthy environment to make the children grow up healthily.



Something that didn’t do in a long time

Hi everyone. Mr.Salahuddien let us share a blog post about procedural memory.

So, the problem is here. What is procedural memory? Okay, Let me tell you. Procedural memory is a long-term memory that responsible know how to do something, also known as motor skills, such as swimming. Someone learn to swim when they were a kid, then it’s a long time no swimming. Even though you haven’t swimming in a long time, but you still able to swim when you get back to swim because you still remember these actions.

The following is about playing volleyball that i didn’t playing a few years and my experience when playing it again. I learn to play volleyball in primary school and used to participate in the competition on behalf of the school. My hand bruised when i playing volleyball for the first time. We have started training after school. I realize that more practice will not bruises, it is very strange and interesting but it really so. After graduating from primary school I stopped playing volleyball and began playing basketball. But i did not join the basketball team, only play basketball with senior occasionally. I get back to play volleyball after 6 years, is in Form 6. At the time the school held a volleyball match. My friends took me hard to participate in the game, I have no choice so have to participate. Do you know that so long didn’t play volleyball would be shame to go to the game???But when I was at the start of practice, I found I also know how to serve the ball. Then play, it is not a problem. It is natural to know how to serve and play. The feel is very good although hand bruises again after 6 years. Hahahahaha!!! I think that is my procedural memory.




The following is psychology assignment,i need to review 3 blogs and give some comment. So, just try it.

1.Zhi Ling Ong (109)

The design of this blog are simple and clear, black and white give me a kind of concise and direct feeling. Then, i feel interesting and agree with his point about according scientific method to writing. Observed from the surrounding environment can give the author a lot of writing inspiration. After that, produce and conclusion. I really like his story about a crazy psychologist control the human “by using the knowledge of psychology and super natural power”. This is really interesting, as he said “just a story”, why not? The last, I think he can try to insert some background image in his blog.

2.Chiayen Lim (110)

The background of chiayen’s blog black and white also, but more concise than zhi ling’s blog. Erm… I am also Chinese Studies student and worried my broken english got bad influence learning. But, people’s growth in learning. I believe my english can improve through more read, listen and practice. So, cheer up together. After all, i think chiayen can add some picture for her blog, it will help to look not too empty and blank.

3.Ng Qixuan (111)

For this blog at first glance to me feel very comfortable. Then, i fell funny for her site title and header image.Her site title is Blacktopus and the header image is ocean or under water. Octopus indeed live in ocean. Let me get a strong sense of frame. That so funny. Her blog post “The Moment” let me know she get a very good experience to learn how to organize and prepare. That need to help each other and consideration. Through her words I can feel her nervous and joy. Finally, i suggest that she can put widgets besides her blog.

That’s all, thank you.

Lower-level Consciousness

Do you know what about lower-level consciousness??? Let me to interpret the defination about this consciousness. Lower-level consciousness is an automatic processes like require little attention effort and do not interfere with other ongoing activities.

Let me depict my experience with you guys… I always feel stressful during my unilife, especially when i have some midterm test or confront some problems when i am doing my assignments. Since i am an university student, assignment is an essential assessment to have some impact on the grade of my final exam, so i must put more efforts on it. When i am stressful during my assignment ongoing, i will put aside the assignment and watch some movies to release the stress. For instance, i will watch some animation movies to relax my mind. After watching animation movies, my problem of stress to complete my assignments will solved.

To conclude, watching animation movies is the best way for me to release stress. As i am in the situation of lower-level consciousness, i will start to daydreaming about the animation movies that i have been watch, my problem will solved when my stress released.

Special Memory Of Life

This is the second post of this blog. For this week, Mr.Salahuddien examine the special moments in life from scientific psychological perspectives. What the meaning of psychology? Psychology mean the scientific study of behavior(what can be directly observed) and mental process(thoughts, feelings,motives). Scientific mean systematic methods.

So, what is the special moments or memory in my life? I think that the special moments were made in 2015.

Why was the year of 2015 special? This is because I used to work in Singapore in 2015. The first time for leaving home to working is hard work. People must be tactful to survive and everything must be solved and dealt with by oneself. I work as a sales, which is tough and challenging. I must to smile to meet people and promote the sale of product everyday. Occasionally I need to work in another branch, it will take two or two and half hours for the time to go and return. Sometimes I feel very tired but i have to bite the bullet to make more money to go to school. Simply because i don’t want to burden my family too much. It is only after entering social work that i know the parents are struggling to make money for the family.

The happiest part of work is the ability to play with friends during vacation like trip to taiwan. You will spend money on yourself if you make money. Hahahaha. In conclusion, the working experience are important in life, because can help you to learn communication skill, how to handing relationships with other people and be considerate of others. Of course, the greatest pleasure is to make money on your own. Hahahaha.

picture taken from absolute internship
