A Contradiction Personality

The teacher taught about personality this week. Different people have different personality, it can be affected by everyone’s behaviors, attitudes, memories, habits and social relationships.

Teacher asked us to write about the blog post of the personality. It’s a little difficult for me. First of all, I don’t think I know myself well enough. Ermmm… I think I’m introverted, honest and direct personality. It seems paradoxical that I am such a contradiction, so I say I don’t know myself well. I think I’m introverted because I’m not an active friend. I’m not active to make friends and also seldom talk to strangers. It can also be said that I am lazy to maintain a relationship. I like friends who have no interests at all. Once I get into the interest relationship, I was feel tired and I will not want to continue this friendship about interest. I like pure friendship, because it makes me feel comfortable.

Then I think I have a honest personality, this is because I don’t like to lie to my conscience. I think lying is a painful thing, because it has to fill the lie with countless lies. When someone asks me a question, I always say it directly. The problem of contradiction comes again. When someone does something that hurts me and I can’t forgive him, I won’t quarrel with him and won’t talk to him. I will quietly stay away from him. I’m not direct at this time.

This is my contradictory personality. In my opinion, such a contradictory personality, I only hope it won’t hurt others. Then who would explain my ambivalent personality to improve?

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