Lower-level Consciousness

Do you know what about lower-level consciousness??? Let me to interpret the defination about this consciousness. Lower-level consciousness is an automatic processes like require little attention effort and do not interfere with other ongoing activities.

Let me depict my experience with you guys… I always feel stressful during my unilife, especially when i have some midterm test or confront some problems when i am doing my assignments. Since i am an university student, assignment is an essential assessment to have some impact on the grade of my final exam, so i must put more efforts on it. When i am stressful during my assignment ongoing, i will put aside the assignment and watch some movies to release the stress. For instance, i will watch some animation movies to relax my mind. After watching animation movies, my problem of stress to complete my assignments will solved.

To conclude, watching animation movies is the best way for me to release stress. As i am in the situation of lower-level consciousness, i will start to daydreaming about the animation movies that i have been watch, my problem will solved when my stress released.

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